Table of Contents
Getting Started
Latest iOS version: 5.0.0 |
Release date: 27-Nov 2019 |
This document details the process of integrating YouAppi iOS AdMob adapter with your iOS app.
If you have any questions, please, feel free to email us: [email protected]
Automatic: Setup your project with CocoaPods
You can setup your project with YouAppi’s SDK automatically using CocoaPods.
Steps for using CocoaPods:
- Make sure CocoaPods is installed on your Mac.
- Make sure your project has a pod file.
Add to your pod file YouAppi’s framework and YouAppi’s AdMob adapter:
target 'MyApp' do pod 'YouAppiMoatSDK' pod 'YouAppiAdMobAdapter' pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK' pod 'PersonalizedAdConsent' end
- Please note that: Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK and PersonalizedAdConsent might have already been added to your pod file if you are working with AdMob mediation.
- Open a terminal and change the current directory to your project directory.
Run the command:
pod install
- After YouAppi framework is setup for your project, you can move on to the integration section of the document.
Manual: Setup your project for YouAppi’s SDK
- YouAppi SDK and YouAppi AdMob adapter can be found in YouAppi iOS SDK zip file.
- Install YouAppi iOS SDK as described in the document.
- Add YouAppiMoat.framework and libYouAppiAdMob.a static library to your project.
- After YouAppi framework is setup for your project, you can move on to the integration section of the document.
Create a new iOS app
- On ad mob platform go to apps section.
- Press ADD APP button.
- Follow through the steps of creating a new app.
Add to your iOS app ad units
Add new ad units to your app by choosing your app and pressing ADD AD UNIT button
Rewarded Video
- After pressing ADD AD UNIT button select Rewarded:
- Fill your ad unit details and press CREATE AD UNIT button:
Interstitial Video and Interstitial Ad
- After pressing ADD AD UNIT button select Interstitial
- Fill your ad unit details and press CREATE AD UNIT button:
Create Mediation Group for YouAppi Rewarded Video
- Choose Mediation tab and press CREATE MEDIATION GROUP button.
- Fill mediation group details and press CONTINUE:
- Fill mediation group details and press ADD AD UNITS to connect your mediation group with the rewarded video ad unit.
- Press DONE to add the ad unit.
- After the popup is closed and the ad unit is selected, on Ad Sources section press ADD CUSTOM EVENT button.
- On the popup name your custom event, fill relevant eCPN and press CONTINUE:
- On the next popup fill the class name of YouAppi rewarded video custom event: YAAdMobRewardedVideoAdEvent
- Fill the Parameter field with a JSON containing information about your access token and ad unit id. For example:
{ "accessToken": "821cfa77-3127-42b5-9e6b-0afcecf77c69", "adUnitId": "tesRewardedVideoAdUnit" }
- Make sure to use your access token and to put ad unit id that contains only letters, numbers or underscores.
- Press DONE to save the custom event.
- Press SAVE to create the new mediation group.
Create Mediation Group for YouAppi Interstitial Video and Interstitial Ad
- Choose Mediation tab and press CREATE MEDIATION GROUP button.
- Fill mediation group details and press CONTINUE:
- Fill mediation group details and press ADD AD UNITS to connect your mediation group with the interstitial ad and interstitial video ad units.
- Press DONE to add the ad unit.
- After the popup is closed and the ad unit is selected, on Ad Sources section press ADD CUSTOM EVENT button.
- On the popup name your custom event, fill relevant eCPN and press CONTINUE:
- On the next popup fill the class name of YouAppi rewarded video custom event: YAAdMobInterstitialVideoAdEvent or YAAdMobInterstitialAdEvent.
- Fill the Parameter field with a JSON containing information about your access token and ad unit id. For example:
{ "accessToken": "821cfa77-3127-42b5-9e6b-0afcecf77c69", "adUnitId": "tesRewardedVideoAdUnit" }
- Make sure to use your access token and to put ad unit id that contains only letters, numbers or underscores.
- Press DONE to add the ad unit.
- Press SAVE to create the new mediation group.
Use AdMob SDK to show YouAppi ad units
Rewarded Video
[GADRewardBasedVideoAd sharedInstance].delegate = self;
[[GADRewardBasedVideoAd sharedInstance] loadRequest:[GADRequest request] withAdUnitID:@"Ad Unit ID From AdMob"];
if ([[GADRewardBasedVideoAd sharedInstance] isReady]) {
[[GADRewardBasedVideoAd sharedInstance] presentFromRootViewController:self];
Interstitial Video
self.interstitialVideoAdMob = [[GADInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"Ad Unit ID From AdMob"];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
[self.interstitialVideoAdMob loadRequest:request];
if (self.interstitialVideoAdMob.isReady) {
[self.interstitialVideoAdMob presentFromRootViewController:self];
Interstitial Ad
self.interstitialAdAdMb = [[GADInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"Ad Unit ID From AdMob"];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
[self.interstitialAdAdMb loadRequest:request];
if (self.interstitialAdAdMb.isReady){
[self.interstitialAdAdMb presentFromRootViewController:self];
Demo App
A demo app showing a simple usage of the SDK can be found in the following Github repository:
The demo app contains 3 modules:
- AppDemo – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK
- AppDemoAdMob – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with AdMob adapter
- AppDemoMoPub – Shows how to use YouAppi’s SDK with MoPub adapter
Please make sure to read the file for further instructions.